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Monasterio Pattu Pauk
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Monasterio Pattu Pauk
18 foto di Monasterio Pattu Pauk
Mong Hsu
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su Monasterio Pattu Pauk
David Cabrera
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liste e posti correlati a
Monasterio Pattu Pauk
Aldea de Pattu Pauk
Aldea de Pattu Pauk
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Myanmar: terra dei 1000 Monasteri
contiene Monasterio Pattu Pauk
Myanmar: terra dei 1000 Monasteri
13 posti
Sunset Hill
Sunset Hill
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Fishing village of Hsipaw
Fishing village of Hsipaw
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Le gardien esprit de Hipsaw
Le gardien esprit de Hipsaw
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Le banyan sacré de Hsi Paw
Le banyan sacré de Hsi Paw
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L’usine de nouilles de Hsi Paw
L’usine de nouilles de Hsi Paw
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Number 4 High School
Number 4 High School
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Pyin U Lwin Mountain Station
Pyin U Lwin Mountain Station
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Villaggi nei dintorni di Nyaung Shwe
Villaggi nei dintorni di Nyaung Shwe
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Shan paper umbrella workshop
Shan paper umbrella workshop
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Tribù Intha e rematori a una gamba
Tribù Intha e rematori a una gamba
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Les pêcheurs d’Inle
Les pêcheurs d’Inle
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Laboratori tessili In Phaw Khone
Laboratori tessili In Phaw Khone
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I monaci del Tempio di Myatheindan
I monaci del Tempio di Myatheindan
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Bonzesses de Mandalay
Bonzesses de Mandalay
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Myanmar's faces
Myanmar's faces
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Aldea de Pattu Pauk
Nyaung Shwe - Inle Lake
Inle Lake
Monastery of the jumping cats Nga Phe Kyaung - Inle Lake
Mandalay Hill
Mahamuni Paya - Pagoda - Mandalay
Taungthaman Lake
Ponte U Bein
Mahagandhayon Monastere
Mrs. Popcorn's Garden
Gold Café
Petit restaurant chan de Hsi Paw
Black Shop Cofee
Thao Pa Tea Shop
Ruby Restaurant and Cold Drink
Green Elephant
Pann Cherry Restaurant(櫻花)
Nylon Icecream Bar
Pankam Village Hike with Than Htike
Mr Charles Guest House
Hotel Amazing Nyaung Shwe
Hotel Min Ga Lar Inn
Bright hotel
Hotel Hu Pin
Conqueror Resort Hotel
Hotel Myanmar Treasure Inle Lake
Paramount Inle Resort
Hotel Mandalay Swan
Monasterio Pattu Pauk
Link utili
Monasterio Pattu Pauk
Hotel vicino a Monasterio Pattu Pauk
Di interesse culturale Mong Hsu