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Ciudad Rodrigo
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House of the Canyon or the Chaves
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Cosa vedere di Ciudad Rodrigo
House of the Canyon or the Chaves
6 foto di House of the Canyon or the Chaves
+34 923 46 13 67
+34 923 46 13 67
Rua del Sol
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House of the Canyon or the Chaves
1 opinione
Villaggi incantevoli della Castiglia e León
Villaggi incantevoli della Castiglia e León
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Ostermann Square and its Statua
Ostermann Square and its Statua
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Villaggi vicini a Salamanca, terra piena di storia e sapori
Villaggi vicini a Salamanca, terra piena di storia e sapori
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Robledillo de Gata
Robledillo de Gata
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A Salamanca con bambini: 15 idee per la famiglia
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I 10 borghi più belli in Salamanca
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The Mole of the Peña France
The Mole of the Peña France
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Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Peña
Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Peña
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The convent of the Zarzoso
The convent of the Zarzoso
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Gate San Antonio
Gate San Antonio
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Brigadier House
Brigadier House
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Terreiro Velho - Terrero Viejo
Terreiro Velho - Terrero Viejo
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The Friars of closing Convent
The Friars of closing Convent
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Las Hurdes
Las Hurdes
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Aunt Cyril Ciripolen Bar
Aunt Cyril Ciripolen Bar
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Ferial of La Alberca
Ferial of La Alberca
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Feast of El Corpus
Feast of El Corpus
2 opinioni
Home of the Gómez de Silva
Puerta del Sol
Church of San Pedro and San Isidoro
Ciudad Rodrigo Town Hall
Exhibition on techniques of war
Former artillery barracks
Convent of las Descalzas Franciscas
Palazzo Maldonado
Ciudad Rodrigo
Calles del Casco Histórico
Restaurante Hotel Arcos
El sanatorio
Restaurante Tamizia - Parador de Ciudad Rodrigo
La Parrilla
Bar Restaurante Florida
Conde Rodrigo I
Restaurante La Muralla
Restaurante Hermanos Moreno
Conde Rodrigo II
El Asador Del Agueda Restaurant
Parador de Ciudad Rodrigo
Hotel Conde Rodrigo II
Hotel Conde Rodrigo I
Hotel La Bodega
El Carmen Rural Cottage
La Viña Rural Cottage
Casa rural La Noria
Hotel La Coqueta
San Blas Rural Cottage
Rincón de Agueda
House of the Canyon or the Chaves
Link utili
House of the Canyon or the Chaves
Hotel vicino a House of the Canyon or the Chaves
Di interesse culturale Ciudad Rodrigo