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Door of the clock
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Cosa vedere di Villabrágima
Door of the clock
4 foto di Door of the clock
Villabrágima, Spagna
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Door of the clock
The source of Tejar
The source of Tejar
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Villaggi incantevoli della Castiglia e León
Villaggi incantevoli della Castiglia e León
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Most of the Church of Santa Maria La Sagrada altarpiece
Most of the Church of Santa Maria La Sagrada altarpiece
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Guida ai castelli della Castiglia e León
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Monument to the battle of Moclin
Monument to the battle of Moclin
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Arch and Chapel of the Christ of the Doors
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Valladolid tra natura e Villaggi
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Cloisters (Monastery of La Santa Espina)
Cloisters (Monastery of La Santa Espina)
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Monastery of the Holy Thorn
Monastery of the Holy Thorn
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Chapter (Monastery of the Santa Spina) room
Chapter (Monastery of the Santa Spina) room
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Agricultural training School
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Monument to first settlers
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Puerta del Azogue
Puerta del Azogue
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Homage Tower
Homage Tower
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Church of San Gines
St. Mary's Church
The source of Tejar
Tordehumos Castle
Holly Week museum
Holy Cross Church
Church of Holy Mary of Mediavilla
La Concha Park
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Interpretation of the Rural Life Centre
El Portalón Café
Villa y Corte Ctr
El Mesón de Ampudia Restaurant
La Lonja Restaurant
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Parrilla de San Lorenzo
Restaurante La Tahona
Bar Ceyjo
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El Arriero Rural Cottage
Don Agustín Rural Cottage
Centro de Turismo Rural "D. Agustín"
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Hotel Rural San Pelayo
Las Casas de Valorica Rural Cottages
Gastro-Posada Casa del Abad
Hotel Conde Ansúrez
Hotel La Vega
Tryp Valladolid Sofia Parquesol Hotel
Door of the clock
Link utili
Door of the clock
Hotel vicino a Door of the clock
Monumenti Storici Villabrágima